If you know me well you know that I have not had a close relationship with my biological mother due to events of my early childhood. I have not physically seen get since I was 17, but we have kept in touch from afar for most of the last 17 years (Seems odd about the year thing). On January 15th I received a call from a hospital in Greenville that was almost 4 hours away. I went to be with my mother as she made some decisions about her care and how she would spend the last days of her life. She entered into a hospice within 3 days and passed away in 2 weeks. I spent most of that time with her and will never regret those moments. As she was passing away I turned this doily into a small quilt. It came from her house and all the material in it did too. I made this for a Project Quilt challenge. The challenge was to upcycle. To use three materials that I would otherwise not use in a quilt to put it together. I used a silk scarf, a felt jar openers, a shirt, 2 pair of pants to make the tree. I used a lace collar to make the grass. I used another silk scarf for the backing and a container of buttons I found at her house. I did all of this in one morning. The last day I received communion with her.
One of the odd things is that one of the buttons said est. 1947. The year she was born. I originally pulled it out because it was blue, like a blue bird in a tree. I remember when we were younger she always wore blue.
I had a calling to make a tree. Not sure of the reason, but maybe because she saw her family tree as complete. In her last 2 weeks, she met all of her grand kids and saw 3 of her children. We went threw pictures and she told me stories. My aunts and God, I believe gave me the time with her. It was a time for healing for us both. A time to lay the past at rest. In my heart I believe God gave us some of the most special time. I wish I had more, but I am thankful for each moment I had.
I did a lot of hand sewing during that time. And know that the comfort of sewing also gave me peace. I think I will frame this and place it somewhere to always remind me of that time with her!
Here she is with me my brother. One of the last photos she took:(
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