For the last 2 weeks I’ve done nothing, gone nowhere and truly ailing with Covid. Yep, this nurse finally fell ill. Frankie was not sick and stuck in the house with me. So we kinda split the house. Meaning I got my sewing room end.
Well I spent hours each day coughing and sleeping. Then hours sitting in a chair squaring odd things up and cutting. I couldn’t lay down all day and had no energy. In 2 weeks, I finished a lot of things I had in progress. Kinda felt good to get things done!! Look at the 25 bowl cozies. Yep, late Christmas presents to my coworkers.
Then I finished up a few quilts in various stages. This one I finished the top back in October at the retreat. It needed to be pinned, quilted and binding added.
I also finished this hunters star quilt at the same retreat, minus the borders I put on this week. I then pinned and quilted and bond it.
This quilt I pattern tested for someone over 5 years ago. Yes, I know it’s controversial, but if you look up Richard Rowland Kirkland and his story, that’s my boys uncle and they are proud of his history. It’s sat pinned and ready to quilt, years later it’s finally off that

Yep, 2020, get things over and done.
Then there is this crazy string quilt I decided to do as part of a challenged quilt program. I started it back at that retreat and finished the blocks this week. It’s maybe the craziest quilt I’ve ever made. But the best thing is it’s done!!
Then on to finish this wreath quilt we started in sewing class. I did all the appliqué on the edges of the balls. Quilted and bond it! After Christmas, but ready for next year!
And then the Project Quilting challenge quilt.
Oh and another runner from class.
And one I embroidered a while back that I needed to add a border and backing to. Then the zipper bags. But I will maybe make that another post.
And a runner made from my friend Corkies scraps,