Sunday, March 7, 2021

Crazy Jean Pockets

Last Sunday when I saw the theme,  I was like, what am I gonna do.  I could only do something small and what did I really want to do.  I was at work and on day 3 of a 3/7 day long work streak. That night, I went home 2 hours late and laid on my living room couch. All the sudden I thought “I have all those crazy Jean Pockets”.  Mostly from my husband and boys and probably multiplying for about 10 years. 

So my theme was there.  Before I went to work, I pulled out the box of jeans that’s forever growing. I have made at least 2 quilts and another top.  This was the new leftovers and all the usable pockets.  I had already formulated a crazy plan the night before and knew with the number I could get it to work. I then spent day 1 cutting off and squaring (or rectangling) up the blocks.  

Day 2 before work, I started sewing random sized strips on the top and bottom of each pocket. Then separated them out by length.  A few rows made it to 7 pockets.  Yep, a plans coming together. 

Day 3 I started hand sewing patches behind each hole and doing some hand embroidery stitches on each.  I also did a few stitches on areas that I thought may be weak. 

Day 4 I had to pack and only had a few minutes to sew on some stitches.

Day 5 I had to finish packing my bags and hit the road to my quilt retreat. We did not get sewing til after 7. So not much was done. But I did sew a few rows together between hand stitching. I added fabric pieces to the end to make all the rows match with no set pattern or plan. 

But on Day 6 it was get it done time.  And I really think it turned out great.  

The backing is scrap linen that someone gave me, but it matches my top with all the shirt looking fabric.  The binding is the same type of shirt looking woven. All quilted with straight lines to just highlighted the pockets. 

We are retreating at a beautiful house on a pond.  And enjoying this view!!   


  1. So clever! And I'm going to be using "rectangling" as often as possible now. I might have to start a new project just for that. (Because of course I need another project!) And I'm jealous of your retreat. I'm still super wary of the virus (waiting my turn in line for a vaccine), so still staying home as much as I can. At least I have a good hobby to do alone, right?!
